Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Brain

The human body has been a fascination to many for years; we have seen the different materials used to express and immortalize man's figure. Recently art has transcended past clay and paint and has become a raw artist form of its own. What I am referring to is Body Works, where the real human bodies are preserved and become the medium used to show off the "true human". Science itself becoming an art.

I am writing this blog to show the bare human body as art. Before I started however, I wanted to explain why I have chosen this as my writing topic. I have always loved to write, from poetry to short stories and novels in fact many people I know are stunned when I say I am in science. People see it as a contradiction to go into science and yet be so creative, the surprise on the faces...well I will get to the face and it's features as I go along and turn the scientific into scripture.

From Head to Toe...

Lock deep inside the white orb extending its limbs
awaking, causing shock
abilities and life,
gray matter,
clear webs
on the surface and deep in the fissures,
creased and curved,
calling out orders,
jumping signals
through junctions over gaps,
reaching out,
travelling through the trees
down the long vines.